
Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

Contact number:



Mangystau region, Aktau, 3Б md., 11 bld. 

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Mangystau Higher Polytechnic College of the Municipal Institution of the State Treasury of the Mangistau Regional Department of Education named after H. Uzbekgaliev

College management

Тугерова Галия Бердибаевна


Education: Higher education

Educational institution, graduates:

  1. Aktau State University named after Sh. Esenov, 2001.
  2. Aktau State University named after Sh. Esenov, 2008.
  3. Central Asian University, 2007.
  4. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Astrakhan State Technical University", Postgraduate course, 2020.
  5. Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Sakena Seifullina, Master's Degree, 2019. 


  1. Physics
  2. Industrial heat and power engineering
  3. Finance
  4. Automation and control of technological processes and production
  5. Electric power industry 
Author's works: 
  1. Author of a modular educational program and 7 guidelines for the specialty 1302000 - "Automation and control", 2016
  2. Educational and methodological complex, "Power supply of industrial enterprises", 0902000-power supply (by industry). Methodological Council of the State Enterprise "Mangistau Energy College", 2017
  3. Educational and methodological complex "automation of the technological process of the industry "1302000 -" automation and management", methodological council of the State Enterprise" Mangystau Energy College", 2017
  4. Expert of the standard curriculum of the specialty 0909000 - "nuclear reactors and installations", 2018
  5. Author of the modular training manual "operation and maintenance of control and automation equipment" in the specialty "1302000-automation and control", 2018
  6. Author of modular textbooks in the specialty 0906000 - "heat and power installations of thermal power plants" "repair of boiler equipment and determination of the degree of wear and defects", 2018
  7. Author of modular textbooks "electrical materials" in the specialty 0902000 - "power supply", 2018
  8. Author of the methodological manual "the importance of dual training in the conditions of professional and technical education", 2018
  9. Compiler of test tasks in the disciplines in the field of "Energy" for the national qualification testing of teachers and equivalent persons working in TVET organizations, 2019
  10. Expert of test tasks for the national qualification testing of teachers and equivalent persons working in TVET organizations, 2019
  11. Educational and methodological complex, KM01 "hunting and operation of electrical materials, equipment and equipment", specialty 1302000-automation and control, 2019
  12. Educational and methodological complex, PM02 "Power supply, management and control of operation of electrical networks and electrical equipment of industrial enterprises", 0902000-power supply (by industry), 2019
  13. Educational and methodological complex, PM02 "Application of own and laws of technical thermodynamics in professional activity", 0906000-thermal power plants of thermal power plants, 2019
  14. Member of the working group on the development of a new modular educational program " Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive (electric transport)", 2019
  15. Member of the working group on the development of the modular training manual "Automation and relay protection" specialty 0901000 - " Power plants and electrical equipment (by type)", 2019
  16. Developer in the specialties "power supply", "automation and control" and "electrical equipment of electrical and substations" within the framework of the project to update programs with 140 standard plans, 2020
  17. 0907000-author of modular training manuals "heat supply", 2020 
  • 2017 Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • 2017 batysskills Aktau-2017 Deputy Akim of Mangystau region, letter of thanks
  • 2018 Certificate of Honor of the educational portal" Ustaz Nury "
  • 2018 Order, diploma" excellent student of the industry". Association of Teachers of Kazakhstan
  • 2018 Republican scientific and practical center "Daryn". A letter of thanks for the preparation of the 1st place winner and the organization of the Republican Olympiad in the discipline "Energy" named after Kanysh Satpayev.
  • 2018 IQ college "Urker", Turksib Kazakhstan Temir Zholy for the preparation of the winner of the 2nd place in the direction of "Automation"
  • Letter of appreciation for the preparation of the 2nd prize winner in the field of "Ecology", organized by IQ college "Urker" 2018
  • In 2018, the akim of the Mangystau region organized a Certificate of 500,000 tenge at the competition "The best teacher of Special Disciplines".
  • Letter of thanks for the preparation of the winner of the 3rd place at the Republican Olympiad "Uly Dala Zhastary" 2019
  • 2019 thank you letter. Republican Scientific and Methodological Journal. Editorial office of "Litera-NMI". Almaty.
  • 2019 Deputy Akim of Mangystau region, Chairman of the regional organizational board of Worldskills Aktau-Certificate
  • 2019 year letter of thanks of NAO "Holding" Kasipkor "
  • 2019 year winner of the republican contest" Best teacher-2019» 

Contact phone number: +77755540075 

3 June 2019

Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

3 June 2019

Асылбай Гүлмира Ибрагимқызы

Deputy Head of Educational Work 

3 June 2019

Зиноллин Даурен Нурмаганбетович

Deputy Head of Household Management 

3 June 2019

Қомшабаев Дархан Бексейтұлы

Deputy Head of Information Technology

3 June 2019

Тугерова Галия Бердибаевна

Deputy Head of educational-methodical work 

3 June 2019

Мутиев Рауан Талгатович

Deputy Head for Training and Production Work 

3 June 2019

Еркимбаев Артур Марсович

Deputy Head of Educational Work 

Маңғыстау политехникалық колледжі бейнероликтері

Құрметті сайтқа келушілер, Маңғыстау политехникалык колледжінің ресми сайтына қош келдіңіздер! Бұл сайтта сіздер колледждің тыныс-тіршілігімен, жұмыс бағытымен , оқу -тәрбие жұмыстарымен олардың нәтижелерімен таныс бола аласыздар. Маңғыстау политехникалық колледжі - беделді, көп салалы, Маңғыстау аймағындағы техникалық және кәсіптік білім беретін оқу орындарының бірі.Қазіргі талаптарға сай кәсіби мамандарды дайындау үшін колледжде барлық мүмкіндіктер жасалған. Колледждің міндеті –кәсіби, жан-жақты, терең білімді, интеллектуалдық деңгейі жоғары ұрпақ дайындау.

Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

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