Accreditation of educational organizations – the procedure for recognizing the compliance of the accreditation body with the established standards (requirements) accreditation in order to provide objective information about the quality of educational services and confirm the existence of effective mechanisms to improve it;
Institutional accreditation – the process of assessing the quality of an educational organization for compliance with the declared status and standards established by the accreditation body;
The agency's institutional accreditation procedures are developed in accordance with European and international standards. The accreditation procedure includes the following steps:
First stage (preliminary steps)
- The college's application to the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education;
- Conclusion of an agreement between the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance of Education and the college;
- Preliminary visit of the agent's representative to the college;
- Conducting training seminars for heads of administrative, structural divisions, heads of divisions on preparation of the self-assessment report;
- submission of the first version of the self-assessment report and its analysis;
- submit the final version of the self-assessment report to the agency.
- conducting an external audit of the college the
- work program of the expert group is carried out in accordance with the standards and instructions for external evaluation approved by the agency;
- the external audit of the college is conducted within 3 days;
- the group of experts gets acquainted with the materials of the self-assessment, conducts an external audit, on the basis of which it prepares a report and recommendations on the external assessment and submits it to the agency;
- The Agency prepares an opinion for the Accreditation Board after reviewing the materials of the self-assessment and the external audit report;
- Certificate of institutional accreditation (PDF, 1.45 Mb)
- Certificate of accreditation of educational programs (PDF, 1.64 Mb)
On the approval of the Code of Official Ethics of Civil Servants. About the status of the teacher. Rules of pedagogical ethics.
1. On the approval of the Code of Professional Ethics of Civil Servants (PDF, 304 Kb) 2. About the teacher's status (PDF, 348 Kb) 3. Rules of pedagogical ethics (PDF, 339 Kb) ...
Mangystau Polytechnic College on the work of the quality management system
Charter of the state municipal state enterprise "Mangistau Polytechnic College named after Halel Uzbekgaliyev" of the Department of Education of the Mangistau region
State Municipal State Enterprise "Mangistau Polytechnic College named after Halel Uzbekgaliyev»
Director Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна Type of property State municipal state-owned enterprise Address Aktau, 3b m/n, 11 building tel:...
Accreditation Accreditation of educational organizations – the procedure for recognizing the compliance of the accreditation body with the established standards (requirements) accreditation in order to provide objective information about the quality of educational services and...