
Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

Contact number:



Mangystau region, Aktau, 3Б md., 11 bld. 

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Mangystau Polytechnic College of the Municipal Institution of the State Treasury of the Mangistau Regional Department of Education named after H. Uzbekgaliev

Resource center


In 2017, 220 students of the College improved their skills in the resource center of Mangystau Polytechnic College in the following specialties:

  • assistant driller - 32 people;
  • oil and gas production operator-40 people;
  • locksmith-repairman - 49 people;
  • Turner-24 people;
  • electric and gas welder - 75 people; 

All students received certificates in accordance with their qualifications.

A master class was organized and held in the specialty" electric welding " with the involvement of leading specialists of institutions in the educational process.

In addition, according to the agreement, the resource center of Kazazot LLP organized training courses for specialists, including students of the College in the following specialties: apparatchik (in the chemical industry), driver of compressor units, Locksmith, electrician. Currently, students who have successfully passed the qualification exams are trained in these institutions with the possibility of employment. 

In order to expand the working profession, it is planned to open professions that are in demand on the labor market (decision of the Industrial Council of the College No. 2 dated October 20, 2017) : 

  • Carpenter (woodworking specialist);
  • Foundry (specialist in the field of metallurgy); 

In addition, the resource center of Mangystau Polytechnic College is working on updating the material and technical base of the college. In 2017, carpentry tools and equipment for the auto shop were purchased to provide students with high-quality education. 

10 June 2019

Work plan of the resource center of the state enterprise"Mangystau Polytechnic College" for the 2018-2019 academic year


10 April 2019


In 2017, 220 students of the College improved their skills in the resource center of Mangystau Polytechnic College in the following specialties: assistant driller - 32 people; oil and gas production operator-40 people; locksmith-repairman - 49 people; Turner-24 people; electric and gas...

Маңғыстау политехникалық колледжі бейнероликтері

Құрметті сайтқа келушілер, Маңғыстау политехникалык колледжінің ресми сайтына қош келдіңіздер! Бұл сайтта сіздер колледждің тыныс-тіршілігімен, жұмыс бағытымен , оқу -тәрбие жұмыстарымен олардың нәтижелерімен таныс бола аласыздар. Маңғыстау политехникалық колледжі - беделді, көп салалы, Маңғыстау аймағындағы техникалық және кәсіптік білім беретін оқу орындарының бірі.Қазіргі талаптарға сай кәсіби мамандарды дайындау үшін колледжде барлық мүмкіндіктер жасалған. Колледждің міндеті –кәсіби, жан-жақты, терең білімді, интеллектуалдық деңгейі жоғары ұрпақ дайындау.

Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

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